Thanks Truth NetworkS Vadershine ... ~ ignoring, denying, won't make it go away.......... A-Bomb (Thought crime target 4 Worldwide Liberty) Date: Nov 26, 2007 8:40 AM FEMA DEATH CAMPS If you're very Internet savvy you'll notice there is a War on information going on. The majority of polls now suggest that the most of the population believe 9-11 was a false flag operation involving our government for a premeditated agenda but that is becoming old news. It became history when BYU professor Steven Jones talked about the Thermite that was used for the demolition on C-SPAN. What is becoming of concern now are the 900 + FEMA concentration camps intended for a flood of immigration when they aren't even along the border or to be used incase of National Emergency. Under executive order 11005 the government can take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage. Conveniently, all executive orders that would allot FEMA the ability to suspend the constitution are omitted ...