
Showing posts from January, 2008

Chemtrails over Euless,Tx 01 08 08

Chemtrails over Euless,Tx 01 08 08 must see time 5:00_5:45 pm CHEMTRAILS cover N. Texas 01 07 08 ..

Crystal Meth epidemic (documentary)

Cuter Than Kitten Britches Date: 09 Feb 2008, 20:36 Part 1: .. Part 2: Part 3: .. Part 4: .. Part 5:

Dallas Morning News Lies To N. Texas about Chemtrails

Dallas Morning News Lies To N. Texas about Chemtrails AND I HAVE THE PHOTOS TO PROVE IT original story Jets' lingering contrails bring N. Texas a flyby white Christmas With imagination's help, contrails almost Bing's dream come true 12:00 AM CST on Wednesday, December 26, 2007 By STACI HUPP / The Dallas Morning News Tuesday morning's weather was clear, but North Texans still got a white Christmas. All you had to do was look up. An unusually large number of white, fluffy streaks painted the blue sky as jets made their rounds in the air. The streaks, called contrails, are mostly water left behind in jet exhaust, and they typically freeze into ice crystals and evaporate when the air is dry. But weather conditions aligned Tuesday morning to make the contrails linger like Santa's sleigh trails. Take a clear day, add chilly temperatures, high humidity at 30,000 feet and jet activity, and contrails will stay visible throughout the sky, meteorologists...