
Showing posts from June, 2010

Eyes Wide Shut: Disease and Death from the Sky

Eyes Wide Shut: Disease and Death from the Sky (NaturalNews) There is one source of toxins and heavy metals that is virtually ignored by most health conscious people focusing on existing food, drug, and environmental toxins. Yet it exists as the unnoticed elephant in the room. It appears very often in most skies throughout the western world. Those who dare document their existence call them chemtrails. Contrails or Chemtrails? The difference is obvious to the naked eye. Contrails appear only at high altitudes, are thinner or more narrow than chemtrails, and dissipate very quickly. They are never longer than a few aircraft lengths, and they don't linger at all. Contrails are nothing more than exhaust vapors that have crystallized in the upper altitude's cold air, and those small ice crystals melt or evaporate quickly. Chemtrails are much wider and thicker. They are long enough to cover the sky from horizon to horizon. As they linger, they get even wider, and they tend to drift t...