Aspartame is KILLING Loved Ones

Aspartame KILLED my mother & is taking the life of a very dear friend of mine

Please take her advice your life depends on it!

March 4, 2008 - Tuesday

03:45 - Aspartame is Taking a Toll on Me, I’m so Worried....& Updates
Current mood: worried
Category: Food and Restaurants

I wasn't going to tell you all this, but now I have to because things in my life have got to the point that I'm very ill and very scared.

Most of you know I'm doing a body cleanse/detox from Aspartame {equal} I have been going at this slow as to not purge this from my liver/organs and tissues to fast for fear it may kill me. I'm not sure any of this can be reversed friends, I may have waited to long to detox.The Damage may have already been done.

Right now as I'm typing I am so Fuzz headed and dizzy/ off balance,headache starting, feel horrible, the normal every day stuff I try to do is overwhelming.I just can't do what I use to right now.

Why am I telling you all this? Well I want you to know first hand how an Aspartame poisoned person feels like and goes through and I have no one else in this world for support, no family members, I have my Father but don't want to worry him to death, he is very old and won't be around much longer.You Friends are My Support and know this is REAL. My son's father can't grasp the concept of the FDA passing this, everyone thinks I am nuts.

I have a sister 2 years younger who drinks soda like crazy, I WARNED HER, but like everyone else she dismisses anything I say, it is just to damn sci-fi for her to grasp...

Another family member has diabetes and still uses this shit!!! After I have warned everyone, hell all you have to do is Google Aspartame, Equal, Nutrasweet, Neotame and it is all there!!!!

When I was using this stuff {have been off it well over 1 1/2 years now} I had migraines from hell,{on left side of my head, temple}always there... lasting 2-3 days, hot flashes that would hit me and I would sweat like hell, it was a burn from the inside out, like something was trying to leave my body, I was extremely dizzy to the point of having to hold to a wall to walk or worse crawl to the bathroom. This has also happened while driving and I had to pull over and wait till I could regain my sense enough to drive, it came with no warning.

I understand that in order to detox this stuff has to be purged back into the blood stream in order for the body to rid itself of the toxins.I am going through some bad times with this right now, it is like I'm using this sweetener again and I'm not it is side effects of detox.

Aspartame.....Causes Cancer, Am I afraid I have cancer?...YES

Will it take me out...YES

and I really doubt that a coroner has ever written cause of death as aspartame will be labeled "Cancer".This just couldn't get out huh? the whole world would not purchase the items in the store and for the very same reason the products are not labeled "will cause cancer in humans" We wouldn't buy that would we? Hell No we wouldn't.

Fox Nutrasweet Equal Aspartame

Rumsfeld and Relativism = Aspartame

Well Friends in the last 6-8 months my energy level has dropped to nothing, this was my first sign that there was something wrong with me.

The migraines on the left side of my head makes me fear a brain tumor,Aspartame does cause brain tumors, friends...and now my hearing on the Left Side is gone, I'm very upset right now.My vision sucks to say the least, colors are the same, just everything is so damn blurred and my eyes burn all day, kinda like getting shampoo in them but only 10xs worse and it never leaves.This Toxin will lay in your tissues and organs and eat away at you.How I wish that someone would have told me all this 15 years ago...

I'm so exhausted, I can't think clear and just feel like hell, all I want to do is lay down.

I have no desire to sew or work on computers or my son's journals right now, I have just no want to left.

I am on a rented computer, the 2nd hand pc I bought had bad sectors on the HD and finally crapped out, I could have replaced the HD, but don't feel like messing with it. My son plays online games a lot, after school and homework is done and on weekends, so I had little choice but to get one, we are in a very small apartment till I can get us moved,He can't ride his bike, so it is cartoons or pc games. I really didn't want to dip into the moving money, but had to to get the pc, need to go lay one away, but don't feel like driving, this is hell to say the least.

Vista does Suck btw, so if you are thinking of upgrading, save your money for real...SWITCH TO LINUX!!! IT IS FREE and no Data snatching Software!!! Bill Gates is a NWO Creep in with them friends...I'm telling you the truth, UBUNTU made By the People, For the People is the way to go.

Back to the Health issue...

It isn't the detox making me feel this way, it is the toxins in my body that I'm trying to get rid of...

Aspartame {on this over 12 years}
Xanax {on this over 22 years} hard to say what damage this has done.
pm pills to sleep {on this ever since I can remember}
Heavy Metals

I don't want these things to purge fast it may very well kill me, seriously.

But the Aspartame is in our FOOD, not just the packets.If I had bought heroin on the street and then got hep. C or something I could say well....I did it to myself. Friends....THIS IS IN OUR FOOD!!! WE WERE NOT WARNED!!!! I'M WARNING YOU NOW!!!! I Don't Deserve this!!! No One Does!!!

Before you buy something sweet...STOP AND THINK!!! It could have and more than likely has ASPARTAME in it!!! They are making Multi-Million$ on this toxin!!!


Friends, after ripping those packets open and dumping it in my coffee like I did, I really damaged my body.
And now new reports are showing aspartame causes Breast Cancer....

Friends another thing that has alerted me to liver congestion is I drink beer, not weekly...but if I feel like having a few to relax or take the edge off pain, right now I couldn't drink but maybe 3 and have to lay down, so what does this tell me? Well it tells me my liver is not working right, cause I could drink way more than that a year or so ago, now liver can not handle beer. So I will not even try it, it will only add more stress to my liver....

Friends...Am I gonna Ever get Better? Is this Toxin gonna kill me? I want to Fight the FDA so Damn Bad for putting this in our Food!!!! This Friends is Beyond Cruel it is Mass Genocide.

I can't help but be Angry at the FDA and Rumsfeld for doing this to my otherwise healthy body!!! This is Horrible Friends....Inhumane.This Toxin has killed Millions of people and then the say well it was CANCER!!!!

I wanted you all to know these things and in case something does happen to me, PLEASE get the word out to the people!!! I am suffering through a detox that I should never had to because Aspartame should have never been passed into our food!!! This is sheer hell.I only pray that I'm doing this right, that I will get better and overcome this, but friends I have read about aspartame for almost 2 years now and just have a really sick feeling about this, the Human Body can't handle toxins like this for any length of time and work properly and not break down and so if I'm not on much, don't comment please don't ever think I'm high hatting you, I cherish the good friends on here who email and comment and who know me personally.

Friends the left side of my head I really fear a tumor, I'm so damn dizzy and now no hearing on the left side just a buzz or ringing noise, quite annoying to say the least.I'm so Exhausted.

If my energy doesn't pick up soon, I will have to go see a doctor about this, BUT don't trust them and if it is a tumor then what?

I just can't do Chemo,I just can't and don't feel strong enough, I have seen patients go down and family.. Chemo is a poison friends....I feel hopeless at the moment but am trying to stay positive.

I have a 7 year old to live for friends, I want to make sure he has my moral values and knowledge before I leave this world, this is why I'm doing the journals.

If anyone knows of a person who has done a detox from using aspartame this long and lived please send me a link, I have been all over the web friends and yet to find this.

any info, links, comments, ideas would be so helpful right now.I will update you all as soon as I can, if any changes for the better or worse I will let you know. I am in such a HAZE right now friends, please get the word out about Aspartame and Neotame to the people.

Friends, I feel like I'm going down fast and I'm VERY Worried.

Stay Healthy & ALERT....



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