Method for Recording Weather Patterns and Chemtrail Formation

The information provided below is from another group that I'm in
Group Owner

Method for Recording Weather Patterns and Chemtrail Formation

-This method is intended for people in the US. Any international data, and where to find these observations is very appreciated.

What To Record

1. Air quality/ Particulate matter

2. Humidity levels at aprox. contriail altitude

3. Temperature

4. Barometric pressure

5. Cloud type present, if any

6. Chemtrails present / not present

7. Amount of air traffic present

Where To Find These Observations

(For realative humidity, pressure and temp., just click on the city nearest you)

(For determining air quality)

(For determining cloud types)

(For predicted cloud coverage)

-If you document temperatures much warmer than minus 40F and relative humidity much less than 70% at 35,000 – atmospheric science says what you are seeing cannot be the frozen water vapor of normal airliner condensation trails.

The altitude must be converted from meters, and the unit of measurement should be included)
Copy the url given on the group homepage for humidity, pressure and temperature measurements and paste it into your browser . It should come up with a map of the US with key cities labeled. Click the city nearest to you. You should get something like this.

72469 DNR Denver Observations at 12Z 02 Mar 2008

hPa m C C % g/kg deg knot K K K
1000.0 -46
925.0 633
850.0 1356
825.0 1611 5.2 -7.8 39 2.59 50 18 294.1 302.0 294.5
803.0 1829 3.1 -8.5 42 2.52 40 29 294.1 301.9 294.6
780.0 2064 0.8 -9.2 47 2.45 32 31 294.1 301.7 294.5
773.3 2134 0.8 -9.0 48 2.51 30 32 294.9 302.6 295.3
744.5 2438 1.0 -8.3 50 2.77 45 20 298.2 306.8 298.7
735.0 2541 1.0 -8.0 51 2.86 57 19 299.4 308.3 299.9
716.7 2743 -0.2 -8.7 53 2.78 80 17 300.2 308.9 300.7
700.0 2931 -1.3 -9.3 55 2.71 120 16 301.0 309.6 301.5
689.8 3048 -2.0 -10.0 54 2.60 115 15 301.5 309.7 302.0
683.0 3127 -2.5 -10.5 54 2.53 125 17 301.8 309.8 302.3
672.0 3256 -1.5 -9.5 54 2.78 140 19 304.3 313.2 304.8
638.4 3658 -4.9 -10.9 63 2.61 190 27 305.0 313.4 305.4
590.6 4267 -10.0 -13.1 78 2.37 215 36 305.9 313.5 306.3
581.0 4395 -11.1 -13.6 82 2.32 217 36 306.0 313.5 306.5
545.2 4877 -14.8 -17.1 82 1.84 225 34 307.2 313.3 307.6
523.8 5182 -17.1 -19.4 83 1.58 235 40 308.0 313.2 308.3
517.0 5281 -17.9 -20.1 83 1.51 235 41 308.2 313.2 308.5
500.0 5530 -19.7 -23.7 70 1.14 235 42 309.0 312.8 309.2
481.0 5817 -21.7 -29.7 48 0.68 233 42 309.9 312.3 310.1
462.8 6096 -23.8 -30.5 54 0.66 230 42 310.8 313.1 310.9
425.3 6706 -28.4 -32.2 70 0.61 235 45 312.5 314.7 312.6
400.0 7150 -31.7 -33.4 85 0.57 235 47 313.7 315.8 313.8
374.1 7620 -34.7 -40.2 57 0.31 225 46 315.8 317.0 315.9
364.0 7811 -35.9 -42.9 49 0.24 222 46 316.7 317.6 316.7
331.0 8462 -41.9 -45.1 71 0.21 211 48 317.2 318.0 317.2
300.0 9120 -47.5 -51.0 67 0.12 200 49 318.3 318.8 318.3
298.9 9144 -47.7 -51.2 67 0.12 200 49 318.3 318.8 318.3
259.5 10058 -56.2 -59.8 64 0.05 200 50 318.9 319.1 318.9
250.0 10300 -58.5 -62.1 63 0.04 205 57 319.0 319.1 319.0
244.0 10452 -60.3 -63.8 63 0.03 205 58 318.5 318.6 318.5
235.7 10668 -59.7 -64.5 53 0.03 215 60 322.5 322.6 322.5
215.0 11244 -58.2 -66.6 33 0.02 230 68 333.5 333.6 333.5
213.8 11278 -58.1 -66.7 32 0.02 230 68 334.1 334.2 334.1
206.0 11512 -57.5 -67.5 27 0.02 236 63 338.7 338.8 338.7
200.0 11700 -54.5 -66.5 21 0.02 240 59 346.3 346.4 346.3
192.0 11966 -48.7 -65.7 12 0.03 240 52 359.7 359.8 359.7
177.0 12497 -51.1 -70.7 8 0.02 240 38 364.2 364.2 364.2
159.0 13195 -54.3 -77.3 4 0.01 244 45 370.1 370.1 370.1
153.8 13411 -54.2 -77.2 4 0.01 245 47 373.9 373.9 373.9
150.0 13570 -54.1 -77.1 4 0.01 245 44 376.7 376.7 376.7
133.2 14326 -54.7 -77.7 4 0.01 275 34 388.5 388.6 388.5
121.1 14935 -55.2 -78.2 4 0.01 275 18 398.4 398.4 398.4
115.5 15240 -55.5 -78.5 4 0.01 250 15 403.4 403.4 403.4
110.1 15545 -55.7 -78.7 4 0.01 240 13 408.5 408.5 408.5
110.0 15549 -55.7 -78.7 4 0.01 240 13 408.6 408.6 408.6
100.0 16150 -58.9 -80.9 4 0.01 265 15 413.6 413.7 413.6
99.9 16154 -58.9 -80.9 4 0.01 260 15 413.8 413.8 413.8
96.1 16399 -58.3 -80.3 4 0.01 274 13 419.6 419.6 419.6
90.6 16764 -59.8 -81.4 4 0.01 295 11 423.6 423.6 423.6
83.1 17303 -62.1 -83.1 4 0.00 297 8 429.6 429.6 429.6
72.1 18185 -58.9 -80.9 4 0.01 299 4 454.2 454.2 454.2
70.0 18370 -59.3 -81.3 4 0.01 300 3 457.2 457.2 457.2
50.0 20470 -61.9 -82.9 5 0.01 355 4 497.2 497.2 497.2
43.5 21336 -59.9 -81.9 4 0.01 50 11 522.1 522.2 522.1
41.5 21641 -59.2 -81.5 4 0.01 55 12 531.1 531.2 531.1
33.0 23077 -55.9 -79.9 3 0.02 83 16 575.8 575.9 575.8
31.0 23470 -57.3 -80.7 4 0.02 90 17 582.2 582.4 582.2
30.0 23680 -58.1 -81.1 4 0.02 90 15 585.7 585.8 585.7
29.6 23774 -58.2 -81.2 4 0.02 85 13 588.0 588.2 588.0
28.2 24079 -58.4 -81.4 4 0.02 55 11 595.6 595.8 595.6
26.8 24384 -58.6 -81.6 4 0.02 35 14 603.3 603.5 603.3
24.8 24881 -58.9 -81.9 4 0.02 42 18 616.1 616.3 616.1
20.0 26240 -57.5 -80.5 4 0.03 60 29 659.4 659.7 659.4
18.3 26801 -57.1 -81.1 3 0.03 70 32 677.6 678.0 677.6
18.2 26822 -56.9 -81.0 3 0.03 70 32 678.8 679.1 678.8
16.6 27432 -51.8 -78.2 3 0.05 70 31 713.9 714.5 713.9
15.5 27873 -48.1 -76.1 3 0.08 63 28 740.2 741.0 740.2
15.1 28042 -47.8 -75.8 3 0.09 60 27 746.5 747.5 746.6
14.7 28223 -47.5 -75.5 3 0.09 753.5 754.5 753.5

Station information and sounding indices

Station identifier: DNR
Station number: 72469
Observation time: 080302/1200
Station latitude: 39.75
Station longitude: -104.87
Station elevation: 1611.0
Lifted index: 8.00
LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 8.06
Convective Available Potential Energy: 0.00
CAPE using virtual temperature: 0.00
Convective Inhibition: 0.00
CINS using virtual temperature: 0.00
Bulk Richardson Number: 0.00
Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV: 0.00
Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 262.33
Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 670.22
Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 294.12
Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 2.52
1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5576.00
Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 9.00

All we are interested in here is the first four or five measurements, so copy the header then delete all the unnecessary items until it looks like this.

hPa , m , C , C , %

Now copy the lines for about 18,000 ft (approx. 5,500m) altitude and 35,000 ft (approx. 10,600m), and maybe one in between (the measurements are provided in meters, so I have converted them for you) and paste them below your header deleting the unnecessary items, and put a comma between the numbers because they tend to get moved around when you post it. It should look like this when your done.

hPa , m , C , C , %

506.0 , 5502, -19.7, -22.9 , 76

301.6 , 9144 , -46.4 , -52.4 , 50

242.0 , 10576 , -57.5, -64.5 , 40



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