Montague Texas Sheriff Deputy Oppresses Citizen

The documents were merely notices of a hearing, and the judge has been out smarted and he's pissed

The situation is that the Montague school principal doesn't like this family, and especially the wife (who is filming and talking), and has challenged the school/principal in the past for unethical practices, so she made a false report to CPS about abuse in their household, but no one cares that they are false reports, CPS and the sheriff's dept showed up every day for a week w/SUVs trying to take their 5 kids (lots of money for CPS right there), but they got the kids out of the state immediately so now CPS and the county has no jurisdiction and that is what pissed the judge off.

video has not been deleted click link below


Anonymous said…
Thanks for posting this video! I really appreciate it. I'm happy to answer any questions anyone may have about the situation before someone jumps to conclusions about who was in the right and who was in the wrong here.

The lighting is so dark you can't see the facial expressions of the officer as he is harassing the wife. He gets off on what he does. I'm the person in the NYPD t-shirt who was present as a witness to the situation. I am not in any way related to the family w/the charges, just a neighbor/friend.

I do think it's important to get these reports of corruption out in the open so change can finally come about.

Thanks so much for all you do!!!

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