No Miracle, Just Wonderful Chemistry MMS De-Mystified For the past couple of weeks I’ve been learning about, and experiencing something wonderful; that has implications for every one of us. It is a procedure that involves precipitating a chemical solvent, chlorine dioxide , in quantities small enough to be safely ingested, and large enough to kill pathogens that are presently living in our body, robbing it of energy, and poisoning it with waste material, and making it more vulnerable to disease. If this is not your situation, it is certainly the situation of someone you know and love. The product is called, “MMS,” which stands for miracle mineral supplement . Caution flags rise immediately when the term “miracle” is used to describe anything that amazes us, or when we don’t understand how it does what it does. In this case, it isindeed amazing. However, an explanation of why MMS is so effective as a pathogen destroyer is p ossible . I t’s not the MMS that destroys pathogens; the chl...
Thanks Truth NetworkS Vadershine ... ~ ignoring, denying, won't make it go away.......... A-Bomb (Thought crime target 4 Worldwide Liberty) Date: Nov 26, 2007 8:40 AM FEMA DEATH CAMPS If you're very Internet savvy you'll notice there is a War on information going on. The majority of polls now suggest that the most of the population believe 9-11 was a false flag operation involving our government for a premeditated agenda but that is becoming old news. It became history when BYU professor Steven Jones talked about the Thermite that was used for the demolition on C-SPAN. What is becoming of concern now are the 900 + FEMA concentration camps intended for a flood of immigration when they aren't even along the border or to be used incase of National Emergency. Under executive order 11005 the government can take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage. Conveniently, all executive orders that would allot FEMA the ability to suspend the constitution are omitted ...
Aspartame KILLED my mother & is taking the life of a very dear friend of mine MONICA. Please take her advice your life depends on it! March 4, 2008 - Tuesday 03:45 - Aspartame is Taking a Toll on Me, I’m so Worried....& Updates Current mood: worried Category: Food and Restaurants I wasn't going to tell you all this, but now I have to because things in my life have got to the point that I'm very ill and very scared. Most of you know I'm doing a body cleanse/detox from Aspartame {equal} I have been going at this slow as to not purge this from my liver/organs and tissues to fast for fear it may kill me. I'm not sure any of this can be reversed friends, I may have waited to long to detox.The Damage may have already been done. Right now as I'm typing I am so Fuzz headed and dizzy/ off balance,headache starting, feel horrible, the normal every day stuff I try to do is overwhelming.I just can't do what I use to right now. Why am I telling you all this? Well...