
Showing posts from 2010

To learn more about what really happened on 9-11, follow these links:

To learn more about what really happened on 9-11, follow these links: 911 Top 500 Questions New - Updated


Eyes Wide Shut: Disease and Death from the Sky

Eyes Wide Shut: Disease and Death from the Sky (NaturalNews) There is one source of toxins and heavy metals that is virtually ignored by most health conscious people focusing on existing food, drug, and environmental toxins. Yet it exists as the unnoticed elephant in the room. It appears very often in most skies throughout the western world. Those who dare document their existence call them chemtrails. Contrails or Chemtrails? The difference is obvious to the naked eye. Contrails appear only at high altitudes, are thinner or more narrow than chemtrails, and dissipate very quickly. They are never longer than a few aircraft lengths, and they don't linger at all. Contrails are nothing more than exhaust vapors that have crystallized in the upper altitude's cold air, and those small ice crystals melt or evaporate quickly. Chemtrails are much wider and thicker. They are long enough to cover the sky from horizon to horizon. As they linger, they get even wider, and they tend to drift t...

Boeing-built aircraft breaks hypersonic flight record

*ALERT* Dont ever ever ever say anything to a cop ever!!!!

"Professor James Duane's presentation on why innocent people should never talk to the police."Part 1 "Don't Talk to the Police By George Bruch"Part 2 Part 2 of 2 George Bruch from the Virginia Beach police department responds to Professor James Duane's presentation on why innocent people should never talk to the police.

Michael Badnarik's Constitution Class 1 of 43

In the early eighties Michael Badnarik started his career as a computer programmer at an Illinois nuclear power plant. For the past twenty years he has continued this professional course, but during this time he became interested and frustrated with politics. As a result, in 1983 Badnarik began studying the IRS and then the constitution. He had since condensed his 18 years of research into a short eight hour course that he would teach in a lecture format. It included some of the fundamentals on our rights and the foundations of our republic. A video recording of one of the classes has been made and you can watch it here..

Mysterious Deaths of 911 Witnesses (MUST SEE)

So many 9/11 witnesses or people who would seem to have knowledge of the cover up have been mysteriously dying. This all can't be a coincidence.

The "Game" in Definition

The "Game" in Definition by Walter Burien 08/31/07 CAFRCAFR - HISTORY: It has been reported that trillions of collective dollars not shown in government Budget reports are shown through Government CAFR reports and they are virtually never openly discussed by the syndicated NEWS media, both the Democratic and Republican Party members, the House, Senate, and organized public education, and as in such over the last 50 years the domestic and international investment assets of US Federal and Local Governments as a whole have taken over the Stock, Derivative, Insurance, and Debt Markets. The collective private sector’s assets and investments as of 2000 are now insignificant in comparison with what US Government now owns by and through investment. The CAFR is “the” accounting document for every local government, and with it being effectively “BLACKED OUT” for open mention over the last 60 years, and that this fact of intentional omission of coverage is the biggest financia...

"The Monster"

The lyrics are relevant here please read them, John Kay and Steppenwolf ~ Monster The NWO = "The Monster" Once the religious, the hunted and weary Chasing the promise of freedom and hope Came to this country to build a new vision Far from the reaches of kingdom and pope Like good Christians, some would burn the witches Later some got slaves to gather riches But from near and far to seek America They came by thousands to court the wild But she just patiently smiled and bore a child To be their spirit and guiding light Then once the ties with the crown had been broken Westward in saddle and wagon it went And 'til the railroad linked ocean to ocean Many the lives which had come to an end While we bullied, stole and bought our a homeland We began the slaughter of the red man But still from near and far to seek America They came by thousands to court the wild And she just patiently smiled and bore a child To be their spirit and guiding light The blue and grey they stompe...

Chemtrail PDF

Chemtrail PDF

Watchdog: The Shadow Government

16th Amendment Never Ratified~NO LAW 4 INCOME TAX!

16th Amendment Never Ratified NO LAW for INCOME TAX AMERICANS HAVE BEEN DUPED! Gary Franchi Interviews Red Beckman Continental Congress 09 CC2009 Give Me Liberty Continental Congress 2009 Articles of Freedom A. Background and Statement of the Facts B. Remedial Instructions to Congress C. Remedial Instructions to Each of the Several States D. Recommended Civic Actions by the People Article 8: A. BACKGROUND AND STATEMENT OF THE FACTS Article 8: Income Tax and the 16th Amendment WHEREAS, from November 11th to the 22nd of 2009, the Continental Congress convened pursuant to the People’s formal “Petition for Redress of Grievances Relating to the Federal Income Tax”, and the long train of abuses and usurpations relating to the federal income tax. After a comprehensive, exhaustive, and lengthy deliberation of the current and historical facts and law, the People find: a. That our servant federal government has failed to directly respond to the People’s Peti...

NWO Martial Law Police State

Police State 2000 Martial Law Posse Comitatus Police State II: The Takeover Police State III: Total Enslavement 9/11 The Road to Tyranny Martial Law 911 Rise of the Police State Masters of Terror TerrorStorm ADD USA ALERT
Thanks frEE faLL ~..TheNewHIROSHIMA..~ To: Date: 1/23/2010 11:55:50 AM Subject: TRAFFIC TICKETS ARE OFFERS TO CONTRACT! - Reject it! Court Ruling Right To Travel Proof that DRIVING IS CONTRACTUAL! DO YOU THINK WE OWN OUR CAR/TRUCK/SUV??? NO WE DON'T!!! Writing Letter to Judge and asking Questions! Those who do not CLAIM their STANDING, have NO rights!!

Chemtrails In Texas

Chemtrails In Texas