No Miracle, Just Wonderful Chemistry MMS De-Mystified For the past couple of weeks I’ve been learning about, and experiencing something wonderful; that has implications for every one of us. It is a procedure that involves precipitating a chemical solvent, chlorine dioxide , in quantities small enough to be safely ingested, and large enough to kill pathogens that are presently living in our body, robbing it of energy, and poisoning it with waste material, and making it more vulnerable to disease. If this is not your situation, it is certainly the situation of someone you know and love. The product is called, “MMS,” which stands for miracle mineral supplement . Caution flags rise immediately when the term “miracle” is used to describe anything that amazes us, or when we don’t understand how it does what it does. In this case, it isindeed amazing. However, an explanation of why MMS is so effective as a pathogen destroyer is p ossible . I t’s not the MMS that destroys pathogens; the chl...