16th Amendment Never Ratified~NO LAW 4 INCOME TAX!

16th Amendment Never Ratified

Gary Franchi Interviews Red Beckman

Continental Congress 09

Give Me Liberty

Continental Congress 2009 Articles of Freedom

A. Background and Statement of the Facts
B. Remedial Instructions to Congress
C. Remedial Instructions to Each of the Several States
D. Recommended Civic Actions by the People


Article 8: Income Tax and the 16th Amendment

WHEREAS, from November 11th to the 22nd of 2009, the Continental Congress convened pursuant to the People’s formal “Petition for Redress of Grievances Relating to the Federal Income Tax”, and the long train of abuses and usurpations relating to the federal income tax. After a comprehensive, exhaustive, and lengthy deliberation of the current and historical facts and law, the People find:

a. That our servant federal government has failed to directly respond to the People’s Petition, and in fact, has indirectly responded with threats, intimidation, and repeated harm;

b. That the Sixteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution definitively and conclusively failed to be properly and legally ratified, thus, rendering it void, ab initio;

c. That the income tax as currently applied is definitively and conclusively an unconstitutiona..l, direct un-apportioned tax on labor, “the most sacred and inviolable” property of the citizens of the United States (see Butcher’s Union Co. v. Crescent City Co., 111 U.S. 746, 757);

d. That the institutionaliz..ed withholding from the paychecks and earnings of the citizens is definitively and conclusively unconstitutiona..l.



Article 8: Income Tax and the 16th Amendment

NOW THEREFORE, without delay, the Congress of the United States is hereby instructed to:

1. Immediately conduct a review of the facts surrounding its ratification, and recognize that the Sixteenth Amendment is void;

2. Immediately cease the enforcement and collection of the direct un-apportioned income tax on the labor of the citizens of the United States;

3. Immediately cease the imposition, enforcement, and collection of withholding of earnings from the paychecks of the citizens of the United States;

4. Immediately release and fully restore all citizens wrongfully imprisoned as a result of the unconstitutiona..l application of the income tax.


Article 8: Income Tax and the 16th Amendment

WHEREAS, from November 11th to the 22nd of 2009, the Continental Congress convened pursuant to the People’s formal “Petition for Redress of Grievances Relating to the Federal Income Tax” (attached), the failure of the Sixteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution to be properly and legally ratified, and the long train of abuses and usurpations relating to the federal income tax;

NOW THEREFORE, each of the several States shall:

1. Repeal any and all State income tax laws to the extent that they are rooted in or based upon the unconstitutiona..l operation and enforcement of the federal revenue laws;

2. Preserve, protect, and defend the liberty and property of its citizens against unconstitutiona..l seizures by the federal government, pertaining to the unlawful collection of income taxes;

3. Cease the unconstitutiona..l imposition and collection of the State income tax upon the unalienable right of its citizen’s labor. To wit:

“It has been well said that 'the property which every man has in his own labor, as it is the original foundation of all other property, so it is the most sacred and inviolable. The patrimony of the poor man lies in the strength and dexterity of his own hands, and to hinder his employing this strength and dexterity in what manner he thinks proper, without injury to his neighbor, is a plain violation of this most sacred property.” (See Butchers’ Union Co. v. Crescent City Co., 111 U.S. 746, 757).

“Compensation for labor can not be regarded as profit, within the meaning of the law. The word “profit”, as ordinarily used, means the gain made upon any business or investment - a different thing altogether from mere compensation for labor.” (See Commercial League Association of America v. The People, ex rel., 90 Ill. 166, 173).


Article 8: Income Tax and the 16th Amendment

WHEREAS, from 11 November until 22 November 2009, the Continental Congress convened pursuant to the people’s formal “Petition for Redress of Grievances relating to the Federal Income Tax”, and the long train of abuses and usurpations relating to the aforementioned tax;

WHEREAS, tyranny, by means of taxation is one of the most oppressive aspects of government and must be guarded against to protect man’s unalienable rights;

WHEREAS, all government activity that provides funding for un-..constitutional programs is to be considered tyrannical in nature and should be condemned by the people as a whole;

WHEREAS, after a comprehensive, exhaustive and lengthy deliberation of historical facts and law, Continental Congress 2009 finds:

a. That our servant federal government has failed to directly respond to the People’s Petition, and in fact, has indirectly responded with threats, intimidation, and repeated harm;

b. That the 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution definitively and conclusively failed to be properly and legally ratified, thus rendering it void;

c. That the income tax as currently applied is definitively and conclusively an unconstitutiona..l, direct un-apportioned tax on labor, the “most sacred and inviolable” property of the Citizens of the United States;

d. That the institutionaliz..ed withholding from the paychecks and earnings of the citizens is definitively and conclusively unconstitutiona..l.

NOW THEREFORE, We the Delegates of Continental Congress recommend the People:

1. Study and understand the research done by Bill Benson in his book, “The Law that Never Was,” and once they have a firm understanding of the argument, they are encouraged to educate their family, friends and fellow Americans about the truth behind the 16th Amendment;

2. Contact their local county government, (including the sheriff) and demand cooperation in enforcement of State and federal laws, prohibiting the illegal filing of notices of federal tax liens and the filing of a federal tax lien or levy without proper federal court orders attached; it is the duty of the sheriff to protect the citizens of the county from rogue federal agents acting under a color of law;

3. Put their banks and employers on notice that federal income tax levies should not be honored without a federal court order attached and without an affidavit from the sheriff that the levy is legal and proper;

4. Prepare to replace any sheriff or county or State government officials at the next election or sooner, through impeachment or recall, who refuse to cooperate and honor their Oath of Office to protect and defend the federal and State Constitutions and the People;

5. Be prepared to withhold their income tax from the government once the above steps of self-defense are in place.

6. Furthermore, without delay, the public is advised to contact their county sheriff, State and federal representatives.. and Senators demanding the unconstitutiona..l taxation and withholding of earnings be stopped immediately.



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